Getting Grounded Workshop 9-25-22

Join us at Spirit Dancer from 2-4 on Sunday September 25th to learn:


What is Grounding?

What are some signs that you are not grounded?

What are the benefits of being grounded?

What are some techniques to help you get grounded?


Join us to learn more about what grounding is and why it’s beneficial. Jenn will be discussing different grounding techniques and will lead a guided grounding meditation. Annette Gingras of Spirit Dancer will join us to discuss the use of crystals for grounding.

We’ll be exploring the balance of energy within our bodies, as well as how grounding that energy strengthens our connection to our own inner wisdom and authentic being.

Please register here prior to attending so we know how many to expect. Space is limited. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Located in the greenhouse building at 180 Flynn Ave in Burlington.

