Closer to Center EcoCoaching

Mind & Body Balance

Guiding you Closer to Center 

Connect with me if:


    • ~ Your life feels unsettled or unbalanced and you want to create a more harmonious life.
    • ~ You are having trouble navigating a stressful situation and you want to feel more centered and grounded in the present moment.
    • ~ You want to improve your physical & mental wellness.
    • ~  You want to learn how to improve your life through connection with nature.
    • ~ You are feeling lost or unfocused and want to reconnect with your inner wisdom and life purpose.
I will help you increase happiness, harmony, and balance by:


~ Supporting you as you navigate stressful or difficult situations

~ Providing the tools that allow you to shift your mindset and improve your wellbeing

~ Showing you how to ground yourself and become more present so you can live a more intentional life

~ Helping you focus on the power of gratitude and appreciation to shift your perspective

~ teaching you to hear and trust your own inner wisdom and find your true self and life purpose

~ Connecting you with the health and wellness benefits of the natural world

Naturalist John Muir famously said, “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness”. Join me in strengthening your spiritual connection, using nature as the gateway.

Consciously or unconsciously people attach a persona to animals, places, and inanimate objects.  Indigenous people from all over the world have used these archetypes in nature to deepen their spiritual connection, as well as their understanding of themselves and the natural world around them.

These archetypes provide access to the wisdom of the collective unconscious. We can use that wisdom to improve and transform our lives. I will teach you to connect with the collective unconscious, using the wisdom of nature as our guide. I’m committed to giving back to nature, and will be integrating environmental initiatives into the work that I do. 

Jenn Dodge

Owner of Closer to Center

What is EcoCoaching?   

EcoCoaching combines the fields of ecology and coaching. Ecology is the relationship between all living things and their environment, and life coaching helps people reach specific goals, or make improvements in their lives. 

A typical EcoCoaching session would take place outside in nature. Paying attention to the sights, sounds, and smells of nature has a centering and grounding effect, which is the perfect space for the self-reflection and awareness that will eventually lead us to making improvements in our lives. 

EcoCoaching also seeks to expand the emotional connection between individuals and the natural world. This connection inspires people to care more for the environment, and make changes toward more sustainable lifestyles.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, healing, and relaxation based on the principle that the practitioner can channel energy into the person being treated.


Teaching gratitude, awareness, and mindful connection to you and the natural world, in order to help you create balance and change.


Workshops are intended to cultivate greater awareness, and offer a safe environment for self-exploration and growth.





Classes & Workshops

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Connect with Community through our Workshops and Groups

Sign up to learn the dates and details of upcoming workshops or group offerings. We periodically offer workshops on gratitude, Ecospirituality, and groups for environmental initiatives.

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What Clients Say

Jenn provided a deeply relaxing, calming, nonjudgmental experience for my first-ever Reiki session. She accurately identified areas of physical discomfort in my body I’d not previously disclosed, and the discomfort in those areas notably decreased during the session. I was also left with a surprising and unexpected sense of mental clarity and focus, which further facilitated my independent meditative and grounding practices and piqued my interest in this healing modality in general and in Jenn’s skill and approach specifically.

Sarie Lynn

Being in Jenn’s presence is to be wrapped in the cool green forest and the gentle music of water kissing a shoreline. She generously shares her heart and her ability to connect with the lessons of the world, helping you to arrive at your own center. Groundedness and gratitude are integral to who she is and how she lives her life.


Me and my friends took a class from Jenn and her friend.  Jenn’s super intuitive, sensitive, listening, gentle, and authentic nature created trust and a safe environment to open up and share.  It allows for a deeper connection to dig deeper and explore down to the roots.  I totally recommend Jenn as a coach.

Joanne Delabruere

Jenn Dodge is one of the most grounded and compassionate people I’ve ever met. Spending time in the woods with her has given me the space to work through challenges in my life. I have a clarity that I haven’t had before. Highly recommend her!

Grace Kahn

Ready to Make a Change?

Schedule an EcoCoaching or Reiki Session. Not sure where to start? Contact me for more information, or to set up a free 15-minute consultation.