Our Services & Pricing
Choose from any of the following services, or combine them.
Indoor, or video chat options are also available if preferred.

Please contact me for a free consultation if you would like more information, or if you are not sure which service is right for you.

EcoCoaching Session
Coaching sessions are typically offered outside during walking or hiking. Your life force energy can get “stuck” for many reasons. Moving your body forward, can help move your energy forward. Getting unstuck both physically and mentally is an important ingredient in increasing health and well-being, and creating change. Research indicates that being in nature has scientifically proven health benefits. Try a session with me walking in the peace of the woods, and feel your life starting to shift.
1 hour 30 minutes ~ $150

Coaching Session (Remote or in office)
I use a mixture of modalities, including Ecospirituality techniques, coaching, and intuition to help you create balance and personal growth. My focus is teaching gratitude, awareness, and mindful connection to yourself and the natural world, in order to help you create balance and change. Remote Coaching can be done over video chat or phone.
1 hour ~ $90

Laser Coaching Session
A 30-minute video call, phone call, or online chat designed to check-in and keep you on track between sessions.
30 minutes ~ $45

Mindful Gratitude Session
These sessions are intended to help increase your happiness in the present, and manifest what you want in your future. Being grateful for what you have is an important part of living mindfully, and creating more of what you want in your life. Gratitude is the gateway to the abundance of the universe. What better place to teach the art of gratitude than in the midst of the abundance of nature?
1 hour 30 minutes ~ $150

Reiki Healing
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction, healing, and relaxation based on the principle that the practitioner can tap into Reiki energy and channel it into the client. Reiki is typically administered by “laying on hands”, although work can be done in your aura, or from a distance. It is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us. If our energy is not flowing properly, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress. Reiki can help this energy flow.
1 hour ~ $90

Reiki Healing
Most people find Reiki deeply relaxing and restorative. Some also experience positive shifts in their spiritual awareness, physical health, or emotional well-being.
30 minutes ~ $45
Purchase a package of 4 EcoCoaching sessions and get $100 off.
Indoor, phone, or video chat options are also available if preferred.
Video chats, phone, or in-office coaching can be 60 minutes.
Outdoor sessions are 90 minutes.
Connect with Community through our Workshops and Groups
Sign up to learn the dates and details of upcoming workshops or group offerings. We periodically offer workshops on gratitude, Ecospirituality, and groups for environmental initiatives.
Ready to Make a Change?
Schedule an EcoCoaching or Reiki Session. Not sure where to start? Contact me for more information, or to set up a free 15-minute consultation.